Synopsis Kuro no Shoukanshi Episode 5, Kelvin Vs Viktor
Synopsis Kuro no Shoukanshi episode 5 which tells about the emergence of new characters and the battle against demons. The storyline of Kuro no Shoukanshi is getting more interesting, the presence of a new character in the Kelvin party gives a different feel. It all started in episode 5 after kelvin finished fighting against the top-ranked demons.
Anime Kuro no Shoukanshi is one of the best anime this season, the storyline is very interesting with extraordinary abilities. Becoming a summoner gives you extraordinary powers and is rare in the new world. The ability of Summoners has the potential to become the strongest in the world and can be used as a weapon of war by the world.
Synopsis of Kuro no Shoukanshi Episode 5
Synopsis of the anime Kuro no Shoukanshi episode 5: The existence of demons in the new world is very mysterious, but all of that has been predicted and heroes have appeared to the new world. With the summoned palawan, then the existence of the devil is confirmed. All parties will prepare themselves for the worst that may happen.
Kelvin and his friends went to a dungeon that contained demons of rank B and above, there was a very terrible top rank demon and the Demon Princess who was being sealed.
The fight started with a lot of excitement, Kelvin Vs Viktor (a top ranked demon guarding the Demon King's daughter) started with a lot of excitement. The two of them used extremely extraordinary abilities and were on different levels. The battle is very decisive, because there are many stories behind it all.
Kelvin and his friends used their full strength to suppress Viktor's power. The fight becomes very terrible after viktor uses his full abilities at the end of the battle, all of which have a great impact on the battle.
Kelvin managed to defeat the devil viktor. In his last moments, Viktor asked Kelvin to make Sera (Demon King's Daughter) to be part of the Party. All of this was done to protect Sera and introduce the outside world to her.