Synopsis Yama no Susume: Next Summit, Anime with a Mountain Climbing Theme

Synopsis Yama no Susume: Next Summit, Anime with a Mountain Climbing Theme

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Synopsis Yama no Susume: Next Summit, Anime with a Mountain Climbing Theme

Synopsis Yama no Susume: Next Summit, Anime with a Mountain Climbing Theme

Synopsis Yama no Susume: Next Summit which tells about mountain climbing. Anime Yama no Susume: Next Summit is perfect for viewers who like mountains or have a hobby of climbing mountains. A very enjoyable journey can be seen in every step in reaching the highest mountain peak.

Anime Yama no Susume: Next Summit has a very good storyline, everything looks very exciting and it's a fun journey to reach the top of the mountain. They all seem to really love nature and climbing mountains is one way for them to have fun and enjoy the natural beauty of the mountains.

Synopsis Yama no Susume: Next Summit, Anime with a Mountaineering Theme

Synopsis anime Yama no Susume: Next Summit (Encouragement of Climb: Next Summit): Aoi Yukimura plans to focus on studying and not think about how he can go on vacation back to the top of the mountain, All of that he felt well. But on a trip, He remembers and remembers everything related to the mountain.

Reminiscing and reminiscing on the journey she once took, Aoi Yukimura feels her desire to go to the top of the mountain again. All of that is like a "soul call" that leads him to go back to climbing the mountain with his friends. Will Aoi Yukimura return to climbing the mountain?

After all those thoughts, Opportunity and opportunity came very quickly after Koharu Senjuin invited Aoi to visit the Mountaineering Club. The chairman of the mountaineering club is Koharu Senjuin. He said many things about the motivation and passion to climb the mountain together.

Like her original intention, Aoi was reluctant to join and chose to keep studying well. But a question arose in his mind, Why did I climb the mountain? The question continues to linger and continues to be thought about very seriously.

With excellent help and support from her friends, Aoi begins to look for motivation to climb mountains again while preparing to conquer Mount Fuzi. Will Aoi return to climbing the mountain?






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