Rimuru Tempest Ultimate Skill in the Tensura anime has not been fully shown. However, there are some Unique Skills t...
Tensura Nikki: Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken tells about Rimuru Tempest's Diary (Slime). So this anime only tells a...
Veldora Tempest in the Tensura anime has occurred in Episode 12 Season 2. After a long wait, Rimuru finally managed ...
Rimuru Tempest's Move Attacks (Skill Attack Moves) are several skills that can destroy targets with rimuru's moves. ...
There are many Rimuru Tempest Skills and Magic that have been seen so far. But among the many skills, there are 5 ma...
The reason Rimuru became the Demon King was explained in Episode 8 of Tensura season 2. At that time Rimuru saw a lo...