Demon King Octagram (Eight Star Demon King) is the strongest group of devils in the entire world of Tensura. The Dem...
Souei Is a loyal shadow who always follows Rimuru. Souei's strength is Dark Shadow, which then he also founded a spe...
Benimaru is the Supreme Commander of the Tempest Jura. He has enormous strength so that he is able to lead the entir...
Gabiru is the Son of the Lizardman Leader. Gabiru's strength is quite strong by occupying Rank A +. Gabiru is a pers...
Hinata Sakaguchi is the leader of the holy man of the western church who has the task of eradicating monsters. Hinat...
Geld is an Orc nation who is Rimuru's subordinate. Geld's strength focuses on Guardians and great physical strength....